Betekenis van:
solar power

solar power
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • zonneënergie, zonne-energie
  • energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy




  1. It uses solar power.
  2. I want a car that runs on solar power.
  3. The output power of a one square meter solar panel is about one watt, so it is difficult to use solar power on a large scale at present.
  4. The power delivered by a one square metre solar panel is approximately one watt. Therefore it is currently difficult to harvest solar energy on a grand scale.
  5. Power or solar diodes
  6. concentrated solar power
  7. Concentrated solar power
  8. For solar power, details should be given separately for contributions from photovoltaic solar and concentrated solar power.
  9. Installations/infrastructure for renewable energy using biomass and other renewable energy sources (solar and wind power, geothermal)
  10. More than 90 % of the power plants connected to the distribution network are hydroelectric plants, the remainder being biomass power plants, solar plants and CHP plants.
  11. Furthermore, research will aim at realising the full potential of other renewable energy sources: geothermal, thermal solar, ocean (e.g. wave, tidal power) and hydropower.
  12. Large-scale Stirling dish power plants with solar to electric efficiency of over 20 % and nominal capacity of at least 25 MW.
  13. The aid granted to green electricity producers through the compulsory contribution included in the compensation mechanism concerned certain renewable energy sources (hydro, solar and wind power, biomass and biogas) and cogeneration, covered by the 2001 and 2008 guidelines [35].
  14. The tourist accommodation shall have a photovoltaic (solar panel) or local hydroelectric system, geothermal, biomass or wind power electricity generation that supplies or will supply at least 20 % of the overall electricity consumption per year (2 points).
  15. The campsite shall have a photovoltaic (solar panel) or local hydroelectric system, geothermal, biomass or wind power electricity generation that supplies or will supply at least 20 % of the overall electricity consumption per year (2 points).